Do you know what is in the stuff you put on your body? Is natural better -- and what does "natural" really mean?
Listen to the Whole Foods Whole Body podcast, and you could win a package of natural body-care items!
Whole Foods Market is running a three-part podcast series promoting its own Premium Body Care line, focusing on the importance of knowing what is in your body care products. I know I started paying more attention to the chemicals in everyday products when I was expecting my first baby, and since then, I try to pick out products without harmful ingredients.
The podcasts include:
1. Premium Body Care® – A Worthy Challenge- discusses how their standard helps define What "Natural" really means in body care products.
2. Holding the Bar High in Natural Body Care - focuses on why these strict natural guidelines are important. You’ll also learn about the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a national coalition of health and environmental groups that are working to eliminate harmful chemicals from personal care products. Yay!
3. Positive Changes for the Industry, for Everyone - looks at how these standards raise the bar for the natural body care industry as a whole.
Listen to the podcasts, then come back to this post and leave a comment letting me know what you think! In two weeks, I'll randomly pick one of you to win this Whole Body body care package. Good luck!