Thursday, July 7, 2011

Meet Mr. Steve, Super Why and Hooper from PBS Kids

If your kids watch PBS, they're probably familiar with Mr. Steve, who plays catchy, fun songs with children in between shows. (His songs get stuck in my head for sure!) You and your kids will have a chance to see Mr. Steve at a South Florida library in just a few weeks!

Visit the South Regional / Broward College Library in Pembroke Pines on Thursday, July 21, 10:30 am until noon as part of the Soar with Reading program sponsored by WPBT2/Kidvision, JetBlue, PBS Kids and Broward County Library System. Soar with Reading helps keep children reading throughout the summer. Kids will enjoy a reading by a local author, a performance by Mr. Steve and appearances by PBS Kids characters Hooper and Super Why.

Sounds like a great Thursday morning to me!